giovedì 5 novembre 2015

Design Group Italia lands in New York

Design Group Italia Now in the heart of Manhattan. “Following years of continuous close collaboration with US leaders - says Sigurdur Thorsteinsson from Milan - such as PepsiCo, 3M, Hormel and Anheuser-Busch, it was a natural choice for us to open our first studio outside Italy in the Big Apple. The culture, the people, “the melting pot” of the world gives us an international perspective that positively influences everything we do. Headed by Gabriel Zangari, a DGI veteran and native of the New York area, the studio’s main objectives are to serve our American customers closer to home and to take our unique design approach to an even higher international level.




New York, NY
304 Hudson St. Ste. 600
 New York, NY. 10013
Phone: +1 (718) 577-1385   +1 (718) 577-1385

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